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. 2018 May 22;19:70. doi: 10.1186/s12875-018-0753-2

Table 4.

Overview of the Included Quantitative Studies with Patients, HCPs, or Patients and HCPs

Author & Reference Year Country Diabetes Type
Patients or HCPs
Aim Sample and Recruitment Data Collection
Ary [48] 1986 USA Insulin T2DM &
Non-insulin T2DM
Patients only
To assess levels of regime adherence and reasons for non-adherence in T1DM and T2DM Patients with
T1DM (n = 24)
Non-insulin T2DM (n = 125)
Insulin T2DM (n = 59)
Recruited by doctors, newspaper adverts & American Diabetes Association meetings
Face-to-face Questionnaire
Brod [49] 2012a USA, Canada, Japan,
Germany, UK and Denmark
Insulin T2DM
Patients and HCPs
To estimate the prevalence of self-treated hypoglycaemia in patients using basal analogues.
To identify demographic treatment-related and behavioural risk factors.
To describe patient and physician responses to these in the Global Attitude of Patients and Physicians 2 (GAPP2) study.
T2DM Patients using basal insulin analogues (n = 3,042)
Physicians (n = 1,222):
Specialists (45%)
PCPs (55%)
Online research panel
Cross-sectional online questionnaire
Brod [50]. 2012b USA, Canada, Japan,
Germany, UK and Denmark
Insulin T2DM
Patients and HCPs
To describe basal insulin analogue dosing irregularities; the effect on patient functioning, well-being and management; and the identification of patients most at risk in the GAPP2 study. T2DM Patients using basal insulin analogues (n = 3,042)
Physicians (n = 1,222):
Specialists (45%)
PCPs (55%)
Online research panel
Cross-sectional online questionnaire
Brod [51] 2012c USA, UK, Germany and France T1DM,
Insulin T2DM & Non-insulin T2DM
Patients only
To determine how non-severe nocturnal hypoglycaemic events (NSNHEs) affect diabetes management, sleep quality, functioning, and to assess if these impacts differ by diabetes type or country. T1DM and T2DM patients (n = 1086) who experienced NSNHE in the last month:
T1DM (n = 676)
Non-Insulin T2DM (n = 124)
Insulin T2DM (n = 286)
Online venues
Web-based survey
Brod [52] 2013a USA, UK, Germany, Canada, France, Italy, Spain, Netherlands and Sweden T1DM,
Insulin T2DM & Non-insulin T2DM
Patients only
To explore the burden and impact of NSNHEs on diabetes management, patient monitoring and well-being to better understand the role NSNHEs play in caring for people with diabetes and to facilitate optimal diabetes treatment strategies. Patients (n = 2,108) with:
T1DM or T2DM.
T1DM (n = 692)
Non-insulin T2DM (n = 543)
Insulin T2DM (n = 873)
Online venues
Web based survey
Cefalu [53] 2008 USA, Mexico, UK, France, Germany, Spain and Brazil Insulin T2DM &
Non-Insulin T2DM
Patients only
To understand patients’ perspectives to achieving good glycaemic control and determine how their perceptions of insulin may affect their decisions to initiate or intensify insulin. T2DM adults (n = 1,444) of which:
Insulin T2DM (n = 469)
Online databases
Structured online and telephone survey.
Cuddihy [54] 2011 Germany, Japan, Spain, Turkey, UK and USA HCPs Only To investigate the opinions of PCPs and diabetes specialists on their perceived role in tackling T2DM and the challenges they face, particularly to insulin intensification. Diabetes specialist physicians (n = 300)
PCPs (n = 300)
Recruited by telephone and online panels
Online survey
Diago-Cabezudo [55] 2013 Europe T1DM &
Insulin T2DM
Patients only
To evaluate the effects of hypoglycaemia on the lives of patients with DM and determine if SMBG to prevent hypoglycaemic is an appealing and widely accepted concept. Insulin treated patients (n = 1,848)
T1DM (n = 924)
Insulin T2DM (n = 924)
Online databases
Online survey
Fulcher [56] 2014 Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Israel, Mexico and South Africa T1DM,
Insulin T2DM &
Non-insulin T2DM
Patients only
To understand the impact of nocturnal and daytime non-severe hypoglycaemic events on healthcare systems, work productivity & QOL in T1DM or T2DM. T1DM (n = 64)
Non-insulin T2DM (n = 76)
Insulin T2DM (n = 160)
Recruited from online panels and by HCPs
Online and face-to-face surveys
Leiter [57] 2005 Canada T1DM & Insulin T2DM
Patients only
To assess impact of mild, moderate and severe hypoglycaemia
and fear of future episodes on patients with T1DM or insulin-treated T2DM
Adults with insulin treated T2DM (n = 335)
T1DM (n = 202)
insulin T2DM (n = 133)
Diabetes Clinics
Self-administered questionnaire
Leiter [58] 2014 Canada Insulin T2DM
Patients and HCPs
To assess the frequency and impact of dosing irregularities and self-treated hypoglycaemia in T2DM patients treated with insulin analogues in the GAPP2 study. Patients with
Insulin treated T2DM (n = 156)
Physicians (n = 202)
Of which:
PCPs (n = 160)
Specialists (n = 42)
Online panels and
HCP registers
Online survey
Mehmet [59] 2015 UK T1DM &
Insulin T2DM
Patients only
To determine if patients report problems with injecting insulin/SMBG in front of others and explore reasons why. Insulin T2DM (n = 27)
T1DM (n = 49)
Hospital Clinic
Self-completed questionnaire
Mitchell [60] 2013 UK Insulin T2DM &
Non-insulin T2DM
Patients only
To characterize hypoglycaemic events in T2DM and assess the relationship between the experiences and health outcomes. T2DM adults (n = 1,329) of which:
Insulin T2DM (n = 301)
Research survey panel
Longitudinal online survey
Mollema [61] 2001 Netherlands T1DM &
Insulin T2DM
Patients only
To examine functioning and self-management of insulin treated patients suffering from extreme fear of self-injecting and/or fear of self-testing. Patients with insulin treated diabetes (n = 1,275) of which:
T1DM (n = 740)
T2DM (n = 535)
Randomly drawn from the Dutch Diabetes Association
Cross-sectional postal questionnaire
Mosnier-Pudar [62] 2009 France Insulin T2DM &
Non-insulin T2DM
Patients only
To describe T2DM from the patient’s standpoint in a representative French panel in 2008. T2DM Patients (n = 1,092)
of which:
Non-Insulin (n = 885)
Insulin T2DM (n = 207)
From a polling institute in France
Postal questionnaire
Peyrot [63] 2012a China, Japan, USA,
Germany, Spain, France, Turkey & UK
T1DM &
Insulin T2DM
Patients only
To examine factors associated with insulin injection omission/ non-adherence in the Global Attitude of Patients and Physicians (GAPP) Study. Insulin treated DM adults (n = 1,530) of which:
T1DM (n = 110)
T2DM (n = 1,420)
Research panels
Cross-sectional telephone survey
Peyrot [64] 2012b China, Japan, USA,
Germany, Spain, France, Turkey & UK
T1DM &
Insulin T2DM
Patients and HCPs
To examine patient and physician beliefs regarding insulin therapy and degree to which patients adhere to insulin regimes in the GAPP Study. Insulin treated DM adults (n = 1,530)
of which:
T1DM (n = 180)
T2DM (n = 1,350)
Physicians (n = 1,250) of which
Specialists (n = 600)
PCPs (n = 650)
Research panels
Cross-sectional telephone survey
Rubin [65] 2009 USA T1DM &
Insulin T2DM
Patients and HCPs
To compare patients’ perceptions of injection-related problems with clinicians’ estimates of those problems. Insulin treated adults (n = 501) of which
T2DM (n = 385)
PCPs (n = 101)
Endocrinologists (n = 100)
Diabetes Educators (n = 100)
Chronic illness panel,
Medical Register and Research database.
Online survey
Shiu [66] 2004 Hong Kong Insulin T2DM
Patients only
To examine the relationship between a sense of coherence, fear of hypoglycaemia and metabolic control to identify whether other variables including age, hypoglycaemic experience and adherence to self-care practice, confounded the findings from two Swedish studies. Insulin treated T2DM adults (n = 72)
Diabetes Centre
Cross-sectional face-to-face questionnaire
Siminerio [67] 2007 USA HCPs only To examine nurse and physician perceptions of nurse involvement in diabetes care. General Nurses(n = 51)
DSNs (n = 50)
Generalist Physicians (n = 166)
Diabetes Specialist Physicians (n = 50)
Professional directories and listing
Cross-sectional survey conducted face-to-face or by telephone.
Van Avendonk [68] 2009 Netherlands HCPs only To investigate the organisation of insulin therapy in general practice and assess factors associated with providing insulin in T2DM patients. Dutch GPs (n = 1,621)
University Medical Centre database.
Postal questionnaire
Zambanini [69] 1999 UK T1DM &
Insulin T2DM
Patients only
To assess: prevalence of phobia and anxiety-related to insulin injections; association between insulin injection anxiety symptoms with level of general anxiety in the study group; and evaluate their influence of, on glycaemic control. Insulin treated patients (n = 115) of which:
T1DM (n = 80) and Insulin T2DM (n = 35)
Hospital diabetes clinic.
Questionnaire administered by HCPs

Key: DSN diabetes specialist nurse, PN practice nurse, GP general practitioner, HCP health care professional, OHAs oral hypoglycaemic agents, PCPs primary care physicians, QOL quality of life, SMBG self-monitoring of blood glucose, T1DM type 1 diabetes mellitus, T2DM type 2 diabetes mellitus, Insulin T2DM insulin treated type 2 diabetes mellitus