(a,b) miR-126 expression, as assessed by QPCR, in HPCs [Lin−CD34+(CD34+) and Lin−CD34+CD38+ (CD38+)], HSCs [Lin−CD34+CD38− (CD38−) and Lin−CD34+CD38−CD90− (CD90−)] and LT-HSCs [Lin−CD34+CD38−CD90+ (CD90+)] from blood and BM samples from normal donors (n=12 biologically independent samples) (a) and newly diagnosed CP CML patients (n=12 biologically independent samples) (b). (c–d) miR-126 expression, as assessed by QPCR, in the indicated BM subpopulations from normal (c) and CML (d) mice (n=6). (e–i) miR-126 expression (e), cell cycle analysis (f), apoptosis (g), CFCs (h) and CFC replating efficiency (i) of CML Lin−CD34+CD38− cells transduced with anti-miR-126 (KD), miR-126 precursor (OE) or control (Ctrl) lentiviruses (n=4 biologically independent samples). (j–m) miR-126 expression (j), cell cycle analysis (k), apoptosis (l), and CFCs (m) of LT-HSCs from induced SCLtTA/BCR-ABL mice after transduction with miR-126 KD, miR-126 OE, or control lentiviruses (n=4 independent experiments). (n) miR-126 expression, as assessed by QPCR, in quiescent Hoechst−Pyronin− (G0) LT-HSCs and proliferating Hoechst+/−Pyronin+ (G1/S/G2/M) LT-HSCs from normal or SCLtTA/BCR-ABL mice (n=4 independent samples). (o,p) White blood cell (WBC) counts (o) and donor CML cell engraftment in PB (p) of mice transplanted with G0 or G1/S/G2/M LT-HSCs from CML mice (n=10). Comparison between groups was performed by two-tailed, paired Student’s t-test. P values ≤0.05 were considered significant. Results shown represent mean ± SEM. *p ≤ 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001, ****p < 0.0001.