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. 2015 Jul 8;76(3):436–453. doi: 10.1177/0013164415593776

Table 1.

95% Coverage Probabilities for a Sample Size of 50 and Type 2 Distribution.

IRC k 6 12 18 24 6 12 18 24 6 12 18 24
2 DTLG .890 .877 .844 .874 .903 .892 .884 .869 .910 .877 .867 .852
PRLG .940 .929 .919 .917 .911 .958 .938 .917 .924 .939 .925 .911
PB .948 .927 .888 .896 .960 .918 .907 .887 .964 .923 .914 .883
BCa .934 .936 .919 .929 .931 .934 .941 .936 .942 .933 .936 .919
NTB .931 .972 .968 .973 .935 .966 .976 .973 .939 .959 .968 .979
BTLG .956 .971 .982 .982 .956 .969 .981 .987 .962 .970 .969 .985
3 DTLG .951 .940 .933 .920 .945 .940 .940 .940 .928 .942 .932 .935
PRLG .936 .945 .930 .921 .924 .946 .938 .939 .925 .949 .942 .926
PB .943 .931 .906 .908 .941 .907 .914 .911 .930 .918 .918 .905
BCa .938 .945 .927 .935 .926 .931 .938 .937 .919 .936 .941 .936
5 NTB .947 .961 .959 .961 .939 .973 .957 .968 .930 .973 .966 .963
BTLG .960 972 .963 .963 .953 .978 .979 .978 .946 .980 .971 .969
DTLG .949 .941 .916 .925 .950 .949 .933 .935 .927 .935 .939 .934
PRLG .939 .938 .912 .926 .943 .933 .917 .930 .907 .920 .932 .934
PB .931 .919 .900 .922 .931 .932 .900 .905 .911 .909 .917 .916
BCa .930 .928 .904 .923 .921 .942 .920 .921 .908 .926 .927 .924
NTB .951 .949 .939 .950 .944 .958 .951 .947 .927 .949 .944 .948
BTLG .954 .950 .935 .947 .958 .978 .959 .944 .933 .952 .950 .948
7 DTLG .940 .933 .932 .930 .961 .930 .937 .917 .935 .967 .935 .916
PRLG .935 .938 .927 .923 .937 .932 .921 .912 .931 .952 .930 .922
PB .934 .924 .909 .917 .943 .918 .912 .907 .918 .960 .911 .916
BCa .931 .927 .919 .920 .936 .931 .918 .912 .911 .958 .913 .919
NTB .948 .950 .946 .947 .961 .955 .956 .934 .934 .962 .947 .948
BTLG .953 .945 .942 .938 .972 .965 .957 .944 .943 .977 .948 .940

Note. For IRC = 2: skewness = 1.70 and kurtosis = 0.88. For IRC 3, 5, 7: skewness = 0 and kurtosis = 0.88. DTLG = delta method with logit transformation; PRLG = three-step parceling with logit transformation; PB = percentile bootstrap; BCa = biased-corrected and accelerated bootstrap; NTB = normal theory bootstrap; BTLG = bootstrap SE with logit transformation. Unacceptable coverage is bolded and outside [.925, .975]. All methods based on 2,000 bootstrap samples and 1,000 simulation replications.