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. 2015 Aug 19;76(3):487–507. doi: 10.1177/0013164415601884

Table 5.

Restricted Models’ C&A Rates for Studies in Which the CTCU (But Not the CTCM and CTCM-R) Model Returned Admissible Solutions.

Model Number/% convergent and admissible Number/% nonconvergent Number/% inadmissible
CTUM 29 (71%) 1 (2%) 11 (27%)
CTCoM 10 (24%) 2 (5%) 29 (71%)
CTCoUM 27 (66%) 0 (0%) 14 (34%)

Note. C&A = convergence and admissibility; CTCM = correlated trait–correlated method; CTCU = correlated trait–correlated uniqueness.