Table 2.
Test accuracy of CEUS-guided SLN biopsy using intradermally injected microbubbles in females with normal (Centres 1 and 2) or indeterminate results from previous greyscale ultrasound (with or without previous biopsy)
Centre | Prevalence of LN metastases | TP | FP | TN | FN | Sensitivity | Specificity | PPV | NPV |
1 | 22% | 84 | 2 | 635 | 95 | 46.9% (39.4–55.5%) | 99.7% (98.95–100%) | 97.7% (91.9–99.7%) | 87.0% (84.3–89.3% |
2 | 27% | 31 | 3 | 153 | 28 | 52.5% (39.1–65.7%) | 98.1% (94.5–99.6%) | 91.2% (76.3–98.1%) | 84.5% (78.4–89.5%) |
3 | 35% | 13 | 0 | 52 | 15 | 46.4% (27.5–66.1%) | 100% (93.2–100%) | 100% (75.3–100%) | 86.9% (82.4–90.3%) |
4 | 29% | 5 | 1 | 26 | 6 | 45.5% (16.7–76.6%) | 96.3% (81.0–99.9%) | 77.6% (31.3–96.3%) | 86.2% (78.4–91.5%) |
ALND, axillary lymphnode dissection; CEUS, contrast enhanced ultrasound; FP, falsepositive; LN, lymph nodes; NPV, negative predictive value; PPV, positivepredictive value; TN, true negative; TP, true positive; SLN, sentinel lymphnodes; SLNE, sentinel lymph node excision.
Reference standard is SLNE or ALND. PPV and NPV were calculated directly for Centres 1 and 2 thatemployed consecutive recruitment, and using Bayesian methods with 22% prevalenceat Centres 3 and 4 as these were not a consecutivelyor randomly selected group.