Figure 1. Genomic Features of Gastrointestinal Adenocarcinomas.
(A) Significantly mutated genes in gastrointestinal adenocarcinomas (GIAC) indicated by green circles, significantly mutated genes identified in other adenocarcinomas (non-GIAC) indicated by red circles, and genes identified as significantly mutated in all adenocarcinomas indicated by white circles. (B) Genes identified as significantly recurrently amplified (left) or deleted (right) in GIAC compared to in non-GIAC. (C) DNA hypermethylation frequency (top), mutation density (middle), and arm-level and focal copy-number events (bottom) in GIAC and non-GI AC. (D) Percent GOF or LOF events in developmental transcription factors by cancer type. See also Figure S1 and Tables S1–S6.