(A) Flowchart of molecular subtypes: Epstein-Barr virus
(EBV)-positive (red); hypermutated-single-nucleotide variant predominant
(HM-SNV) (gold); microsatellite instability (MSI) (blue); chromosomal
instability (CIN) (purple); and genomically stable (GS) (green).
(B) 3D plot of GIAC by SNV density, indel density, and clonal
deletion score (CDS). Tumors annoted as Upper GI (crosses) and lower GI
(circles) and color-coded by subtypes. (C) IFNγ pathway
score (top) and CD8+ T-cell score (adjusted for total
leukocytes; bottom) by subtypes stratified by upper vs lower GI. Horizontal bars
indicate median values, boxes represent interquartile range, and whiskers
indicate values within 1.5 times interquartile range. (D)
Unsupervised analysis of DNA methylation across GIAC. (E, F)
Distribution of subtypes (E) and CIMP subgroups (F)
across anatomic regions. (G, H) Distribution of
MLH1/CDKN2A silencing (G) and
subtypes (H) in CIMP-H tumors by anatomic region. See also Figure S2.