Fig. 6.
Functional stability of left ventricular working hearts perfused with Krebs-Henseleit (KH) or perfluorocarbon (PFC). A−C: percent changes of mean (A), peak (B), and minimum (C) aortic pressure over 60 min of perfusion with KH (n = 10) or PFC (n = 5). D−F: percent changes of mean left atrial pressure (D), heart rate (E), and calculated coronary vascular resistance (F) over 60 min of perfusion with KH (n = 10) or PFC (n = 5). G−I: percent changes in coronary flow (G), aortic output (H), and cardiac output (I) over 60 min of perfusion with KH (n = 10) or PFC (n = 5 for coronary flow and n = 4 for aortic and cardiac output). For A−I, KH was normalized to its own baseline; PFC was normalized to the KH baseline before the switch to PFC. Values are means ± SE.