Effects of different concentrations of sulfide on ΔΨ. A: effects of 10–1,000 μM Na2S on ΔΨ. Depolarization and hyperpolarization of ΔΨ are indicated by up and downward displacement of the traces, respectively. B: percentage of arteries demonstrating a depolarization (depol), a hyperpolarization preceding the depolarization (1st hyperpol), a hyperpolarization following the depolarization (2nd hyperpol), or a hyperpolarization in the absence of a depolarization (monophasic hyperpol) following the application of a number of concentrations of Na2S. Arteries demonstrated only hyperpolarization to 10 and 30 μM sulfide. At higher concentrations of Na2S, arteries mostly demonstrated a triphasic response (see responses to 300 μM and 1 mM Na2S in A) but in some cases one of the phases was not observed (e.g., the 1st hyperpolarization is absent in the response to 100 μM Na2S shown in A). The number of arteries studied at each concentration ranged between 7 and 17.