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. 2018 May 24;8:8078. doi: 10.1038/s41598-018-26281-z

Table 2.

List of peptides used in T-cell in vitro tests.

Abbreviated name Amino acid sequence in the regions of DR mutations DR mutations (if applicable) T-cell epitope (if applicable)
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RT 61–69 wt ---FAIKKKDST---------------- A62V, D67N, S68N N/A
RT 61–69 dr ---FAIKKKNST---------------- A62V, D67N, S68N N/A
RT 63–72 wt* -----IKKKDSTKWR------------- D67N, S68N, K70G N/A
RT 63–72 dr* -----IKKKNNTGWR------------- D67N, S68N, K70G N/A
RT 66–76 wt* --------KDSTKWRKLVD--------- D67N, S68N, K70G, V75I N/A
RT 66–76 dr* --------KNNTGWRKLVD--------- D67N, S68N, K70G, V75I N/A
RT 74–82 ----------------LVDFRELNK--- V75I, F77L N/A
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RT 199–216 wt RTKIEELRTHLLRWGLTT------------------ I202V, Q207E, L214F, T215Y N/A
RT 199–216 dr RTKVEELREHLLRWGFY------------------- I202V, Q207E, L214F, T215Y N/A
RT 202–210 wt ---IEELRQHLL------------------------ I202V, Q207E N/A
RT 202–210 dr ---VEELREHLL------------------------ 202V, Q207E N/A
RT 205–220 wt ------LRQHLLRWGLTTPDQK-------------- Q207E, L214F, T215Y, K219Q N/A
RT 205–220 dr ------LREHLLRWGFYTPDQK-------------- Q207E, L214F, T215Y, K219Q N/A
RT 207–215 wt --------QHLLRWGLT------------------- Q207E, L214F, T215Y N/A
RT 207–215 dr --------EHLLRWGFY------------------- Q207E, L214F, T215Y N/A
Peptides covering regions not subjected to DR mutations
RT 465–476 KVVPLTNTTNQK N/A CD8+ T-cells(a)
RT 514–528 ESELVNQIIEQLIKK N/A CD8+ T-cells(b)
RT 528–543 KEKVYLAWVPAHKGIG N/A CD4+ T-cells(c)

*RT 63–72 wt/RT 66–76 wt and RT 63–72 dr/RT 66–76 dr were used in pools called RT 63–76 wt and RT 63–76 dr, respectively.

References: (a) -43; (b) -130; (c) –65.