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. 2018 Feb 8;13(3):366–374. doi: 10.2215/CJN.07400717

Table 3.

Baseline characteristics of study participants for cognitive decline (longitudinal) analysis by tertiles of baseline serum sodium levels

Variable Tertile 1 (126–140 mmol/L) (n=1175) Tertile 2 (141–142 mmol/L) (n=1214) Tertile 3 (143–153 mmol/L) (n=1222)
Age, yr 72±5 72±5 73±5
Race (% white)a 92 93 95
 High school or less 18 19 21
 Some college 23 23 22
 College 19 19 20
 Some graduate school 12 13 12
 Graduate school 28 26 26
 Never smoker 38 39 40
 Current smoker 4 2 3
 Former smoker 58 39 58
Alcohol, ≥12 drinks in past 12 mo 71 68 68
BMI category
 Underweight 0.2 0.1 0.1
 Normal weight 28 26 24
 Overweight 50 51 55
 Obese 21 23 21
Physical activity score 155±69 153±66 152±66
CKD-EPI eGFR, ml/min per 1.73 m2 77±14 76±14 76±14
Serum glucose, mg/dla 107±28 105±22 103±18
CVD 20 20 20
Diabetesa 11 9 7
Hypertensiona 44 38 40
Stroke 4 4 4
COPD 9 10 10
Excellent or good health status 89 91 89
SF-12 MCS score 56.1±6.6 56.2±6.2 56.2±5.9
Thiazide diuretic usea 14 11 10
3MS score 95±4 95±4 95±3
Trails B time, s 116±39 115±38 115±36
Serum sodium, mmol/La 139±2; 139 (138, 140) 142±1; 142 (141, 142) 144±1; 144 (143, 145)

Data are mean±SD, median (interquartile range), or %. Serum glucose is missing in n=81, thiazide diuretic use is missing for n=150, and change in Trails B time is missing for n=28. P values are comparisons across tertiles made using a chi-squared test for categoric data and ANOVA for continuous variables. BMI, body-mass index; CKD-EPI, Chronic Kidney Disease Epidemiology Collaboration; CVD, cardiovascular disease; COPD, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; SF-12 MCS score, Medical Outcomes Study 12-Item Short Form Mental Health Composite Score (health-related quality of life); 3MS, modified Mini-Mental Status examination; Trails B, Trail Making Test Part B.


P<0.05 across tertiles by chi-squared test for categoric data and ANOVA for continuous variables.