Table 2.
Creatinine-Corrected Urinary Cotininea levels in Adults (≥ 18 Years) Pre and Post an Indoor Hookah-Only Social Event, by Smoking Status (N = 208)
Variables | Hookah-Only Social Event (N = 208), ng/mg creatinineb | Ratioc | P Valued | |
Pre Event | Post Event | |||
All hookah smokers (n = 105) | < 0.001e | |||
Mean ± SDf | 207.7 ± 539.4 | 318.3 ± 430.9 | ||
GM (95% CI)g | 16.0(8.9–28.6) | 136.4(100.5–185.2) | 8.5 | |
Median (5–95 percentile) | 48.3(0.2–876.8) | 136.1(15.1–1187.1) | 2.8 | |
Minimum-Maximum | 0.02–4558.3 | 0.1–2410.5) | ||
% aboveLOD(Freq/n)h,i,j | 98 (101/103) | 100(104/104) | ||
Daily hookah smokers (n = 20) | 0.001e | |||
Mean ± SD | 231.9 ± 244.8 | 455.9 ± 369.27 | ||
GM (95% CI) | 106.0(46.5–241.7) | 285.9 (144.8–564.4) | 2.7 | |
Median (5–95 percentile) | 156.9 (1.4–829.3) | 346.4(32.4–1315.9) | 2.2 | |
Minimum - Maximum | 0.7–900.4 | 1.2–1319.3 | ||
% above LOD (Freq/n) | 100(20/20) | 100(20/20) | ||
Weekly hookah smokers (n = 46) | 0.002e | |||
Mean ± SD | 308.4 ± 762.11 | 375.4 ± 485.7 | ||
GM (95% CI) | 38.3(18.0–81.6) | 189.0 (132.5–269.5) | 4.9 | |
Median (5–95 percentile) | 77.5(0.5–1195.8) | 196.7(40.2–1187.1) | 2.5 | |
Minimum - Maximum | 0.2–4558.3 | 27.2–2410.5 | ||
% above LOD (Freq/n) | 100(46/46) | 100(46/46) | ||
Occasionalhookah smokers (n = 39) | < 0.001e | |||
M ± SD | 69.5 ± 183.72 | 176.6 ± 353.7 | ||
GM (95% CI) | 2.0 (0.8–4.9) | 62.3(35.3–110.0) | 31.2 | |
Median (5–95 percentile) | 1.0(0.03–542.0) | 90.3 (1.7–1143.8) | 90.3 | |
Minimum - Maximum | 0.02–833.8 | 0.1–1956.4 | ||
% above LOD (Freq/n) | 95 (35/37) | 100(38/38) | ||
Non-smokers (n = i03) | < 0.001e | |||
M ± SD | 1.1 ± 1.78 | 2.4 ± 4.66 | ||
GM (95% CI) | 0.4 (0.3–0.5) | 1.0 (0.8–1.2) | 2.5 | |
Median (5–95 percentile) | 0.3(0.02–5.4) | 0.9 (0.1–10.8) | 3.0 | |
Minimum - Maximum | 0.01–9.2 | 0.04–25.5 | ||
% above LOD (Freq/n) | 98(100/102) | 100(93/93) | ||
P valuek | P valuek | P valuel | ||
Dailyvs. weekly | 0.135 | 0.048e | 0.276 | |
Dailyvs. occasional | < 0.001e | < 0.001e | 0.017e | |
Dailyvs. non-smoker | < 0.001e | < 0.001e | < 0.001e | |
Weeklyvs. occasional | < 0.001e | 0.002e | 0.116 | |
Weeklyvs. non-smoker | < 0.001e | < 0.001e | < 0.001e | |
Occasional vs. non-smoker | 0.001e | < 0.001e | < 0.001e |
Cotinine is a metabolite of nicotine.
Cotinine values are corrected with creatinine (ng/mg creatinine).
Ratio, Ratio of post to pre hookah event cotinine GMs and medians.
P Hookah events: pre vs. post event.
P values were derived from Wilcoxon signed-rank tests; two-tailed alpha level P < 0.05.
Significant levels.
Mean ± SD, Arithmetic mean and standard deviation.
GM (95% CI), Geometric mean and 95% confidence interval.
% Above LOD, Percentage of urine samples above the limit of detection (LOD); cotinine LOD, 0.1 ng/mL.
Freq/n, Frequency of samples with levels above the LOD/n-size of samples per group.
Missing values due to interference (n = 4) or missing urine samples (n = 1).
P cotinine levels by smoking frequency status. P values were derived from Mann-Whitney U tests; two-tailed alpha level P < 0.05.
P Pre to post event change in cotinine levels by smoking frequency status. P values were derived from Mann-Whitney U tests; two-tailed alpha level P < 0.05.