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. 2017 Sep 1;30(6):685–692. doi: 10.1007/s40520-017-0823-7

Table 1.

Summary of main projects in the PANINI network

ESR and location Projects Main methodologies Sample/cohort Primary outcome variables
1. Vrije University, Amsterdam, and University of Birmingham Development of PANINI standardised toolkit
Creation of PANINI shared data set
Assessment of prevalence of malnutrition and low physical performance/activity according to different risk screening and assessment tools over different ageing populations in Europe New PANINI data and existing data sets (Birmingham Hip Fracture, EMPOWER, MUMC+, COGA, ERMA, Grey Power 1 and 2, NU-AGE, ProMo and Bronovo) Mini Nutritional Assessment (MNA), Short Nutritional Assessment Questionnaire (SNAQ), hand-grip strength, Short Physical Performance Battery (SPPB), Timed up and go, and gait speed
2. University of Birmingham Seated Physical Activity in Ageing (SPAA) feasibility study
Keeping Active in Residential Elderly (KARE) feasibility study
Resistance training using HUR leg strength training machine versus Move it or Lose it activity programme
Resistance training using HUR strength training machines
Hospitalised frail older adults
Frail residents of care homes aged 60+ years
Feasibility, Physical function (SPPB, hand-grip strength), Blood measures (CRP, IL-6, TNFa, Cortisol, DHEA/S)
3. University of Birmingham Intervention to reduce sitting time in older adults undergoing orthopaedic surgery: a feasibility study
Protocol for a definitive trial
Behaviour change techniques (individualised feedback, individualised goal setting, motivational interviewing, phone calls, health education, environmental modification) Orthopaedic patients aged 65 years and over Feasibility, Physical activity—IPAQ & ActivPal accelerometer, Measure of Older Adults’ Sedentary Time (MOST), Blood measures (Albumin, HDL, LDL, triglycerides, Vit. D., CRP, IL-6, TNFa, Cortisol, DHEA/S, Transferrin)
4. University of Birmingham Diet and eating behaviours in ethnically diverse older adults Explore changes in social networks over 8-months and assess their prediction of dietary intake and physical function via the use of the Wenger Social Network Typology tool, repeated 24-hr recalls with in-depth semi-structured interviews Community-dwelling ethnically diverse adults aged 60 years and older Dietary intake, influences on eating behaviours, social network typology, physical function (SPPB)
5. Eindhoven University of Technology Ageing and lifestyle impact on skeletal muscle function Systems Biology, computational modelling, genome-scale metabolic models (GSMM), machine learning New PANINI data, NU-AGE, MYOage, MUMC+ Quantitative and predictive models, describing metabolic activity (flux) in different age groups, predicting effects of diet and physical activity
6. University of Minho, Portugal Nutrition effects on well-being and cognitive function Collection of dietary data of ‘good’ and ‘poor’ cognitive performers and ascertainment of the impact of dietary variables on cognitive trajectories. Study of the impact of dietary changes on cognitive performance Community-dwellers aged 55+ years Neuropsychological evaluation
Nutritional intake (food diaries, food frequency questionnaires)
7. University of Jyvaskyla, Finland Physical activity, muscle function and psychological characteristics during menopausal transition Comprehensive assessment of muscle function, physical activity and psychological characteristics in middle-aged women carefully characterized according to the menopausal status. Cross-sectional and follow-up designs 48–55 year old women characterized, according to the bleeding diary and hormonal assessment, as being pre-, peri- or postmenopausal Muscle function; hand-grip and knee extension strength, muscle power, gait speed (6 min and 10 m). Psychological characteristics: depression and life satisfaction
8. The Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research Mechanisms of physical exercise effects in surgical patients Preoperative risk stratification, assessment of physical fitness, (home-based) prehabilitation high-risk patients Patients undergoing major elective abdominal surgery Feasibility, steep ramp test performance, hand-grip strength, timed up-and-go test, five times sit-to-stand test, time to recovery of physical functioning, morbidity, length of stay
9. Vrije University Amsterdam Nutrition and physical activity to counteract sarcopaenia DEXA, BIA, food frequency questionnaire, ventilated hood SHAPE study (geriatric outpatients with fall risk) Muscle mass
10. University of Bologna Epigenetics of nutrition in ageing DNA methylation analysis (gene-targeted) by Sequenom ® MassARRAY EpiTYPER platform NU-AGE samples and new PANINI data Changes in DNA methylation patterns induced by dietary and physical interventions. Development of a gene-targeted epigenetic clock
11. Personal genomics Genetics of nutrition in ageing Development of a bioinformatic pipeline for the identification of Single Nucleotide Variations correlated with ageing phenotypes and response to nutritional interventions of elders. Common annotation sources will be exploited to integrate all the information available for a single variant NU-AGE and PANINI data List of genetic variants correlated with ageing phenotypes and nutritional interventions

NB all projects will implement the PANINI toolkit, but some parts may be secondary outcome variables depending on the research question