Fig. 4. Neuroligin and neurexin impact DVB neurite outgrowth and spicule protraction behavior.
(a) Confocal images of DVB (lim-6int4::wCherry) in nlg-1(ok259) mutant and control and quantification of (b) total neurite outgrowth and (c) number of neurite junctions in nlg-1(ok259) and control. (d) Time to aldicarb-induced spicule protraction in control and nlg-1(ok259) males. (e) Confocal images of DVB (lim-6int4::gfp) in nrx-1(wy778) mutant and control. Quantification of (f) total neurite outgrowth and (g) number of neurite junctions in nrx-1(wy778) and control. (h) Time to aldicarb-induced spicule protraction in control and nrx-1(wy778). (dot=one animal, magenta bar=median, and boxes=quartiles, one-way ANOVA and post-hoc Tukey HSD).