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. 2017 Dec 12;24(20):5303–5308. doi: 10.1002/chem.201704655

Table 2.

Data collection and refinement statistics for SOD‐3 Q142H (PDB 6ELK).

Data statistics Source Rigaku MicroMax‐007 rotating anode
Wavelength (Å) 1.541
Resolution range (Å)[a] 53.18–1.65 (1.69–1.65)
Space group P41212
Unit‐cell parameters (Å) a=b=81.5, c=137.8
Completeness (%)[a] 99.8 (97.3)
No. of observed reflections 581095
No. of unique reflections 56496
Redundancy 10.3 (7.0)
<I/σ(I)>[a] 30.1 (2.9)
R merge (%)[a,b] 3.8 (52.9)
R pim (%)[a,c] 1.7 (30.9)
CC 1/2 0.99 (0.82)
Refinement statistics
Resolution range for refinement (Å) 53.18–1.65
R factor (%) 18.3
R free (%)[d] 21.0
No. of protein non‐H atoms 3172
No. of water molecules 303
No. of manganese ions 2
No. of sulfate ions 6
No. of glycerol molecule 1
R.m.s.d bond lengths (Å) 0.008
R.m.s.d bond angles (°) 1.2
Average overall B factor (Å2)
Protein 33
Water 36
Manganese ions 19
Sulfate ions 52
Glycerol 36
Ramachandran analysis, the percentage of residues in the regions of plot (%)[e]
Favoured region 97.4
Outliers 0
PDB code 6ELK

[a] Values given in parentheses correspond to those in the outermost shell of the resolution range. [b] R merge=∑hkli|I i(hkl)−⟨I(hkl)⟩|/∑hklI i(hkl) [c] R pim=∑hkl{1/[N(hkl)−1]}1/2i|I i(hkl)−⟨I(hkl)⟩|/∑hkli I i(hkl) [d] R free was calculated with 5 % of the reflections set aside randomly. [e] Ramachandran analysis using the program MolProbity.17