Figure 7.
Large‐scale fraction of annual mean precipitation from 50°S to 50°N regressed against the (a) convective timescale and (b) entrainment rate for the CAM perturbed parameter ensemble of simulations; blue stars are all simulations and red dots are a subset within a range of convective timescale values from 40 to 70 min; (c) annual precipitation amount distributions for simulations with −0.3 km−1 (dark‐solid) and −2.0 km−1 (light‐dashed) entrainment rates (i.e., the end members of the subset simulations) of total (T, purple), convective (C, red), and large‐scale (L, blue) contributions; and annual precipitation amount distributions of (d) total, (e) convective, (f) and large‐scale contributions from the subset simulations. The units of the amount distributions are shown as mm d−1 (as given in the figure title), however they are scaled by ΔlnR−1, where ΔlnR = ΔR/R, which has units of mm d−1/mm d−1 and is thus a unitless scaling term.