1. Linear progression of steps
Steps in laboratory procedure
Overview of steps in procedure for scientific poster, article, or slide set for presentation
Theory of straightforward method with linear input
1. Complex set of inputs, and interactions, in a process or theory
Life cycle of microorganism
Interaction of key signaling pathways in a process, such as Krebs cycle
Theory of complex method
Theory of how process works
2. Group of steps that are repeated
2. Comparison of two similar but distinct processes, or comparison of two substances affecting a process
3. Relationships between members of group
Relationship of levels in multi-tiered organization
Family tree for related organisms
Family tree of extended family, for disease status
3. An organ, or organelle, shown at different magnifications
Simplified illustration of condensation of DNA helix into metaphase chromosome
Zooming in or out of an organ with panels showing different magnifications, such as a lung, bronchiole, alveolus, proteins on the surface of cells lining the alveolus.