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. 2018 May 17;26:e3010. doi: 10.1590/1518-8345.2227.3010

Table 2. Exploratory Factor Analysis (Varimax rotation) of the instrument of moral distress in primary care nurses, presentation of two constructs. Florianópolis, SC, Brazil, 2017.

Rotary component matrix *
Indicators Components
Health policies C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6
29. To recognize that the demands of continuity of patient/user care are not met 757 237 198 199 267 197
30. To recognize the lack of resolution of health actions due to social problems 727 219 182 172 307 188
32. To recognize that educational actions with the patient are insufficient 723 253 202 151 211 197
28. To recognize that the patient´s hosting is inappropriate 699 265 250 187 218 159
33. To experience on the humanized care practices advocated by public policies 651 307 333 202 264 156
27. To recognize insufficient access to the service for the patient 637 218 231 172 400 104
31. To recognize the lack of resolution of health actions due to the poor quality of care 632 209 359 240 251 194
37. To recognize impairments to care due to inadequate integration between services/sectors 624 253 314 154 284 207
34. To recognize routines and practices that are unsuitable for professional safety 552 265 350 182 271 212
35. To recognize routines and practices that are inappropriate for patient safety 545 218 457 238 219 097
44. To experience the suspension and postponement of procedures for reasons that are contrary to the needs of the patient/user 501 261 480 185 309 104
Professional Visibility/Nurse Autonomy
47. Feeling disrespected by hierarchical superiors 187 746 277 187 180 075
17. Feeling discriminated against by other professionals 309 681 003 265 107 083
48. To recognize ethically incorrect attitudes of managers or superiors 298 639 277 175 331 112
38. To have their autonomy limited in the decision of specific behaviors of the nursing team 197 638 305 205 210 185
18. Feeling devalued compared to other professionals 372 625 007 273 025 145
41. To recognize situations of offense to the professional 245 623 311 173 251 295
39. To experience conflicting relationships regarding the attributions of health team members 295 591 284 149 243 284
49. Feeling pressured to agree or silence against fraud on behalf of the institution 074 560 436 177 123 075
40. Working under pressure for insufficient time to reach goals or perform tasks 331 557 230 072 142 406
42. To recognize situations of disrespect to the professional’s privacy 159 538 416 207 228 288

*Rotation Method: Varimax with Kaiser Standardization. a. Converted rotation in 10 iterations.

† Indicators, indicating the issues of the instrument with their respective numbering.

‡ Components, indicating the value (intensity) of each construct (C1 to C6).