Direction selectivity and relationship with ON/OFF RF arrangement are maintained following pharmacogenetic inhibition of parvalbumin-positive interneurons. a Top, AAV1/2-hSyn-DIO-hM4Gi-mCherry injection into auditory cortex of Pvalb-IRES-Cre mice. Bottom, co-expression (merged image, right) of mCherry (red, left) and PV-antibody (green, middle). b Tone-evoked local field potential (LFP) recording in A1 at baseline (black) and following clozapine-N-oxide (CNO; orange) injection. Grey bar indicates period of tone presentation. Black vertical lines indicate onset and offset. Responses are grouped by intensity (10–80 dB SPL) and ordered by frequency (7–57 kHz). Arrows indicate intensity/frequency combination shown in c. c Tone-evoked LFP at baseline (black) and post-CNO (orange) for intensity/frequency combination indicated in b (average of five repeats). Arrows indicate peak ON-evoked LFP amplitude in each condition. d Normalised change in ON-evoked LFP amplitude at BF following CNO injection for recordings from sham- (Control, blue; N = 3) and AAV-DIO-hM4i- (hM4i, orange; N = 7) injected mice. e ON FRA at baseline (top) and post-CNO (bottom) for LFP recording shown in b,c. RF structure is maintained but note overall increase in response magnitude post-CNO (calibration bar, right). f Tone-evoked multiunit (MU) activity from a single tetrode at baseline (top) and post-CNO (bottom). Black vertical lines indicate tone onset and offset. Responses are grouped by intensity (10–80 dB SPL) and ordered by frequency (7–57 kHz). g Normalised change in spontaneous (left) and evoked ON (right) MU firing rate post-CNO in sham- (Control, blue) and AAV-DIO-hM4i- (hM4i, orange) injected mice. Coloured open circles correspond to individual tetrodes (eight per recording). Filled black circles correspond to individual animal means (Control, N = 3; hM4i, N = 7). h ON and OFF FRAs at baseline (top) and post-CNO (bottom) for MU recording shown in f RF structure is maintained despite overall increase in firing rate following CNO injection. i Response of DOWN-selective unit to FM sweeps post-CNO injection. Left, spiking responses to UP and DOWN sweeps. Right, outline FRAs mean spiking responses to sweeps for same unit. j Directional selectivity is correlated with ON/OFF RF organisation following pharmacogenetic inhibition of PV+ interneurons. DSI values at 2.2 oct/sec