Figure 3.
p53 deletion rescues TDP-43 overexpressing neural progenitors. (a) TDP-43 overexpression does not induce cell fragmentation or death of progenitors of p53−/− embryos. p53−/− TDP-43 expressing cells show a normal radial morphology in the ventricular zone and migrate to the subventricular zone. (b,c) Conditional deletion of floxed Trp53 alleles by expression of Cre-recombinase (GFP+), (mCherry+GFP+p53−/−, arrows) reduces caspase-3 activation following expression of TDP-43 compared to none Cre-recombined cells (mCherry+GFP-p53+/+, arrowheads). Values are shown as the proportion of TDP-43 overexpressing cells (mCherry+). (d–f) Trp53 ablated (GFP+), TDP-43 overexpressing (mCherry+) cells (mCherry+GFP+p53−/−, arrows) show rescue of Pax6+ (d), BrdU+ (e) and pH3+ expression (f) compared to none Cre-recombined Trp53 wild type cells (mCherry+GFP−p53+/+). Values are shown as the proportion of transfected cells (mCherry+). Scale bar = 25 µm. Dashed line marks the telencephalic vesicle lining. tTest P = 0.06, **< 0.01, ***< 0.001.