Figure 5. Comparisons between SampEn and the other three indexes in separate anaesthetic stages.
Boxplots of recurrence analysis measurements: recurrence rate (A) and determinism (B), and Entropy measurements: Permutation Entropy (C) and Sample Entropy (D) for all dataset cases are presented respectively. From the results, it can be easily observed that all four indexes can distinguish the unconscious state. Entropy indexes drop during LoC, while the recurrence analysis measurements rise. Note that the SampEn and RR can accurately measure the similar value between awake and recovery stage without statistical difference. Loc, Loss of consciousness; RR, recurrence rate; DET, determinism; PEn, Permutation Entropy; SampEn, Sample Entropy. Significant difference asterisk: * p < 0.05 and ** p < 0.01; n.s, not significant.