Liquid-like HTTex1 Assemblies Convert into Solid-like Assemblies
(A) Liquid-like droplets gradually convert into solid-like structures. Scale bar, 2 μm.
(B) Quantification of the mean circularity of droplets during the conversion shown in (A).
(C) FRAP of partially converted droplets comparing recovery of spike features (magenta) and droplet centers (green). Shaded region of graph represents 95% confidence interval. Scale bar, 2 μm. See also Table S1.
(D) Droplets before (green) and after (magenta) hexanediol addition. Scale bar, 5 μm.
(E) Quantification of early stages of droplet conversion (related to Figure 7D). Radial shift is the distance between intensity maxima in droplet linescans before (green) and after (magenta) hexanediol. n = 20 similarly sized droplets. Shaded regions: 95% confidence intervals. Scale bar, 0.5 μm.
(F) Slices through a tomogram of a yeast cell containing a 43Q-GFP liquid-like assembly (blue dotted line) containing isolated fibrillar structures (orange arrows). Scale bar, 200 nm.