FIG 1.
Roles of ω in M. tuberculosis and E. coli RNAP core assembly. (A) SDS-PAGE analysis of purified M. tuberculosis RNAP core, coreΔω, and coreΔω coexpressed with ωFlag protein. Proteins loaded onto 4 to 20% gel to separate β and β′ subunits are shown in the middle panel. Western blots of ωFlag with a Flag tag antibody are shown in the bottom panel. (B) Purified E. coli core and coreΔω. (C) In vitro reconstitution of M. tuberculosis and E. coli core with or without ωHis. Western blots of ωHis with a His tag antibody are shown in the bottom panel. (D) In vitro abortive transcription of purified M. tuberculosis core or coreΔω at the Rv1494 promoter (Rv1494p). RbpA and σA were added as indicated to reconstitute RNAP for promoter-dependent transcription. (E) In vitro abortive transcriptional activities of in vivo or in vitro reconstituted M. tuberculosis core in the presence or absence of the ω subunit at Rv1494p. RbpA and σA were added in each reaction in promoter-dependent transcription assay. A representative result from three independent tests is shown. Mtb, M. tuberculosis; Eco, E. coli.