In vitro DNA binding activity of Gcn4p and CPCA
derived from various yeast extracts. DNA fragments used and the
positions of integrated point mutations are shown schematically. A
151-bp DNA fragment from the cpcA promoter was used that
contained both putative CPCA recognition elements (CPRE1/2, lanes
1–8). Additionally, point mutations were integrated in CPRE1
(CPRE1−/2, lanes 25–32), CPRE2 (CPRE1/2−,
lanes 17–24), or both (CPRE1−/2−, lanes
9–16). All DNA fragments were radioactively labeled and incubated with
10 μg of protein extracts. Crude protein extracts of yeast wild-type
H1515 and the gcd2 mutant strain RH1378 were isolated
after 8 h of growth under nonstarvation (−3AT) and amino acid
starvation conditions (+3AT). CPCA of A. nidulans was
expressed under control of the yeast GAL1 promoter in
the yeast gcn4Δ mutant strain RH1408. Protein extracts
were isolated after 8 h on minimal medium containing glucose (Glu)
or galactose (Gal) as sole carbon source, respectively. Purified Gcn4
protein expressed in E. coli was used as positive
control; protein extracts of the gcn4Δ mutant strain
RH1408 were used as negative control. Protein–DNA complexes were
separated from unbound DNA by PAGE and visualized by autoradiography.