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. 2018 May 14;5(2):e38. doi: 10.2196/mental.9802

Table 3.

Mixed-effects models for associations between social activity and next-survey mood, fatigue, and pain.

Outcome and predictor Coefficient (95% CI) P valuea
Sad mood

Alone 0.102 (−0.141 to 0.348) .41

Time (hours) −0.012 (−0.037 to 0.013) .24
Happy mood

Alone −0.034 (−0.301 to 0.226) .80

Time (hours) 0.011 (−0.016 to 0.038) .43

Alone 0.008 (−0.230 to 0.250) .95

Time 3 −0.100 (−0.353 to 0.154) .44

Time 4 −0.170 (−0.425 to 0.085) .19

Time 5 −0.502 (−0.757 to −0.247) <.001

Alone 0.365 (−0.169 to 0.898) .18

Time 3 0.546 (0.008 to 1.083) .048

Time 4 0.846 (0.296 to 1.395) .003

Time 5 1.975 (1.427 to 2.523) <.001

Alone × Time 3 −0.511 (−1.196 to 0.176) .15

Alone × Time 4 −0.584 (−1.273 to 0.110) .10

Alone × Time 5 −1.089 (−1.780 to −0.396) .002

Alone −0.016 (−0.240 to 0.206) .89

Time (hours) 0.027 (0.010 to 0.050) .02

aItalics indicate P<.05.

bModels for stress and fatigue use time as a categorical variable; coefficient values for Time 2 to Time 5 indicate the change in the outcome variable compared with Time 1.