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. 2018 May 14;5(2):e38. doi: 10.2196/mental.9802

Table 4.

Mixed-effects logistic regression models for associations between mood, fatigue, and pain and next-survey social activity.

Outcome (social engagement) and predictor Odds ratio (95% CI) P valuea
Model 1

Sad mood 1.017 (0.799 to 1.294) .89

Time (hours) 1.002 (0.934 to 1.074) .96
Model 2

Happy mood 0.904 (0.713 to 1.147) .41

Time (hours) 1.007 (0.938 to 1.080) .85
Model 3

Stressb 0.858 (0.665 to 1.107) .24

Time 3 1.091 (0.535 to 2.223) .81

Time 4 0.935 (0.456 to 1.917) .86

Time 5 0.952 (0.463 to 1.959) .89
Model 4

Fatigueb 1.064 (0.872 to 1.298) .54

Time 3 1.01 (0.501 to 2.037) .98

Time 4 0.771 (0.381 to 1.561) .47

Time 5 0.854 (0.413 to 1.769) .67
Model 5

Pain 2.647 (1.092 to 6.412) .03

Time (hours) 1.107 (0.991 to 1.235) .07

Pain × Time 0.945 (0.901 to 0.992) .02

aItalics indicate P<.05.

bModels for stress and fatigue use time as a categorical variable; coefficient values for Time 2 to Time 5 indicate the change in the outcome variable compared with Time 1.