辅助化、放疗相关的生存曲线。A:行术后辅助化疗与未行术后辅助化疗患者的生存比较显示,未行术后辅助化疗患者预后相对较好(P < 0.001);B:行术后辅助放疗与未行术后辅助放疗患者的生存比较显示,二者生存无差异(P=0.538);C:MG患者术后行辅助化疗与未行术后辅助化疗的生存比较显示,二者生存无差异(P=0.150);D: MG患者术后行辅助放疗与未行术后辅助放疗的生存比较显示,二者生存无差异(P=0.424)。
Survival curve associated with adjuvant chemotherapy and adjuvant radiotherapy. A: The survival of patients who received adjuvant chemotherapy and without adjuvant chemotherapy showed that the prognosis of patients who did not undergo adjuvant chemotherapy was relatively good (P < 0.001); B: Survival comparison between adjuvant radiotherapy and postoperative adjuvant radiotherapy in patients showed that there was no difference in survival between the two groups (P=0.538); C: Survival comparison between adjuvant chemotherapy and non adjuvant chemotherapy after MG showed that there was no difference in survival between the two groups (P=0.150); D: Survival comparison between adjuvant radiotherapy and postoperative adjuvant radiotherapy in MG patients showed that there was no difference in survival between the two groups (P=0.424).