Four ADV-1-regulated genes are required for normal germling fusion and growth. A screen of 110 deletion mutants of the 155 genes regulated by ADV-1 and/or PP-1 revealed that strains carrying mutations in four genes have cell fusion defects. The remaining 151 mutants either have a previously described germling fusion defect, wild-type-like germling fusion phenotype, or homokaryotic deletion mutants are not available in the deletion collection. (A) ΔNCU04487, ΔNCU04645, ΔNCU05836, and ΔNCU05916 mutants showed reduced germling fusion. Mean germling fusion frequency of each mutant and wild type (n = 3, ∼200–400 germling pairs counted per sample). Stars indicate a significant difference compared to the parental wild-type strain (* P = 0.007, *** P < 1E−7, ANOVA + Tukey HSD). (B) Mean height of aerial hyphae of ΔNCU04487, ΔNCU04645, ΔNCU05836, and ΔNCU05916 mutants 3 days after inoculation (ANOVA + Tukey HSD, P < 0.0001, n = 6). (C) Mean growth rate of ΔNCU04487, ΔNCU04645, ΔNCU05836, and ΔNCU05916 mutants per day measured over 4 days (ANOVA + Tukey HSD, P < 0.01, n = 2). For all bar plots, error bars indicate SD. Lowercase letters in panels B and C denote the result of the ANOVA + Tukey HSD statistical tests.