Misexpression of adv-1 restores resistance to cell wall stress agents in Δpp-1 and Δmak-1 cells. A 1:5 serial dilution from ∼5000 spores per spot to ∼8 spores per spot was performed on Δpp-1 (Ptef1-adv-1-v5; his-3 (MEadv-1)), Δpp-1 (Ptef1-pp-1-v5; his-3 (MEpp-1)), Δmak-2 (Ptef1-adv-1-v5; his-3 (MEadv-1)), Δmak-2 (Pccg1-pp-1-gfp; his-3 (MEpp-1)), Δadv-1 (Ptef1-adv-1-v5; his-3 (MEadv-1)), Δadv-1 (Ptef1-pp-1-v5; his-3 (MEpp-1)), Δmak-1 (Ptef1-adv-1-v5; his-3 (MEadv-1)), and Δmak-1 (Ptef1-pp-1-v5; his-3 (MEpp-1)) cells compared to Δpp-1, Δadv-1, Δmak-1, Δmak-2, and wild-type cells. All agar media contains VMM and FGS to force colonial growth. Plates were incubated at 30° for 5 days. Drug concentrations: 1.3 μg/ml Caspofungin, 1.5 mg/ml Calcofluor White, and 1 mg/ml Congo Red.