Imaging of clinical radioembolization agent 90Y Theraspheres® with characteristic X-rays. a,b, Representative images of 1 mCi Theraspheres® injected intratoumorally into BT-474 orthotopic breast tumours (red arrow) using characteristic X-ray energy windows for Eu2O3 and Bi2O3 NPs, respectively, shows no appreciable signal (n=3 animals, representative image shown). c,d, Imaging of Theraspheres® co-injected with Eu2O3 or Bi2O3 NPs shows selective signal near NP injection site (n=4 animals, representative image shown). Lymph node imaging of drainage from right and left hind footpads with 90Y labelled Eu2O3 and AuNP respectively with e, IVIS open filter, and f, select 620nm and 700nm wavelengths to identify Eu2O3 selective drainage (n=3, representative single mouse sequence shown). g, SPECT-CT showing characteristic X-rays from 66.9keV ionization of gold from Au-PEG-DOTA(90Y) NPs draining into sentinel lymph nodes 48h post intradermal tail injection (n=3 animals, representative mouse image shown). Corresponding IVIS image to (Fig. 5g) can be found in Fig. S20. h, Non-CL light based PDT. Radionuclides 18F, 35S, and 99mTc were added to cells in vitro, along with TiO2 NP with transferrin attached (Tf) with and without titanocene (Tc). Therapeutic effects were demonstrated with radionuclides that do not emit CL, highlighting NP derived light can be as useful for PDT alongside CL (n=3 independent samples, centre value=mean, error bars=SD). **=P< 0.01, ****=P< 0.0001, ns=not significant.