a, Estimated individual hunter-gatherer ancestry versus sample date, with best-fitting regression lines for each region (excluding Blätterhöhle). Standard errors are around 2% for hunter-gatherer ancestry and 100 years for dates (Methods; Extended Data Tables 1, 2). b, Relative affinity of hunter-gatherer ancestry in Neolithic individuals, measured as f4(LB1+LOS, KO1+VIL; Anatolia, X) (positive, more similar to eastern WHG; negative, more similar to western WHG; standard errors ~5×10−4), with best-fitting regression line (|Z| > 3 for aggregate differences among the three regions). c, Population-level average sample ages and dates of admixture, plus or minus two standard errors. Colored fill indicates the inferred primary hunter-gatherer ancestry component, with darker shades corresponding to higher confidence (all admixed populations except LBK and Tisza significant at p < 0.05; see Extended Data Table 3 and Supplementary Information section 6). Dashed lines denote the approximate date of arrival of farming in each region.