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. 2018 May 29;3(3):e00052-18. doi: 10.1128/mSystems.00052-18

FIG 1 .

FIG 1 

Overview of Shedd Aquarium microbial data. (A) Variations of Faith’s PD alpha diversity, food and air having significantly higher values than other sites and dolphin sites (chuff, rectum, and skin) having lower diversity values. (B) Weighted UniFrac beta diversity hierarchical clustering heat map shows how similar sites tend to cluster together. (C) Weighted UniFrac NMDS plot of Shedd Aquarium samples. Dolphin sites aggregate by sample site rather than per individual, and they are clearly separated from each other. Nondolphin samples are much more intertwined, with air samples showing high similarities to dolphin skin, human hand, and nose, water, and food.