LCMV RNA species can be specifically visualized by using multiple, singly labeled oligonucleotide smFISH probes. (A) Overview of the scheme used by arenaviruses to transcribe and replicate their single-stranded, ambisense, bisegmented genome. smFISH probes that recognize the S segment genomic RNA are shown in gray, probes that recognize the S segment genome and GPC mRNA are shown in red, probes that recognize the S segment antigenome and NP mRNA are shown in green, and probes that recognize the L segment antigenome and L mRNA are shown in pink. smFISH probe sets consist of pools of 48 individual 20-mer oligonucleotides, each labeled with a single fluorophore at their 3′ termini. (B) Uninfected cells were stained with a control smFISH probe set specific for MDN1 cellular mRNA labeled with Cy3. (C) Cells either were infected with LCMV at an MOI of 0.01 or, as a control, remained uninfected (mock). Cells were fixed at 24 hpi and stained with a Cy5-labeled smFISH probe set specific for S segment genomic RNA and GPC mRNA. Boxed regions of the cell are magnified and shown in columns labeled “Zoom.” Green arrows indicate example smFISH-stained spots most likely representing single labeled RNAs. Nuclear (hatched lines) and cytoplasmic (solid lines) boundaries are shown in blue. The same intensity levels for a particular probe set were applied to all images of mock- and LCMV-infected cells to permit comparisons. Bars, 10 μm.