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. 2018 May 29;18:31. doi: 10.1186/s12902-018-0260-4

Table 1.

Synthesis of the characteristics of the included studies by level of intervention and PROGRESS factors

Level of intervention Patient level Provider level Health care systems level Total QI strategies
Total of studies 29 3 26 58
N % N % N % N %
Sample characteristics
 Age 55.13  - 55.37  - 53.82  - 55.06  -
 Sex, female (%) 64.05 58.69 57.84 60.20
Baseline HgA1c (%; mmol/mol) 8.88; 74 7.0–11.8; 53–105 9.53; 81 8.1–12.05; 31–109 8.51; 70 7.6–10.5; 60–91 8.88; 74 7.0–12.05; 53–109
Progress factors reported at baseline
 Place of residence 29  50 3  5.2 26  44.8 58  -
 Race/ethnicity 26  49.1 3  5.7 24  45.3 53  -
 Occupation 12  54.5  - 10  45.5 22  -
 Gender/sex 24  46.2 3  5.8 25  48.1 52  -
 Religion  -  -  -  -
 Education 26  57.7 1  2.2 18  40.1 45  -
 Socioeconomic status (SES)  -  -  -  -
 Income 20  62.5  - 12  37.5 32  -
 Social capital 10  62.5  -  - 6  37.5 16  -
 Age 28  50.0 3  5.4 25  44.7 56  -
 Disability  -  -  -  -
 Sexual orientation  -  -  -  -
Study characteristics
Year of publication
  2005–2010 11 19 2 3.5 11 19 24 41.4
  2011–2016 18 31 1 1.7 15 25.9 34 58.6
 Study location
  North America 25 86.2 3 100 22 85 47
  UK 1 3.4  - 1 3.8 2 3.4
  Australia  - 2  - 2 3.4
  Asia 3 10.4  - 1 7.7 4 6.9
Duration of study (months) 10 3–26 4.5 0.25–36 12 6–60 8.9 0.25–60
Average sample size (range) 190 (56–526) 1573 (182–4138) 290 (65–1665) 684 (50–4138)