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. 2018 May 30;19:190. doi: 10.1186/s12859-018-2201-7

Table 3.

Results of ranked taxon retrieval using FLORKART presence-absence data in combination with GBIF point-based occurrence records sampled at the exact location and aggregated for increasing radii around Flickr test observations

Radius [km] R [%] R20 [%] R514 [%] MRR [%] M LL LR
S1: Relative frequency of occurrence records
0 86.62 20.89 74.99 7.20 121 692 4.41
1 89.51 16.99 79.66 5.38 135 810 3.67
5 94.10 11.62 83.88 3.67 155 1142 2.54
10 95.98 12.19 83.03 3.55 160 1320 2.18
20 97.40 11.02 80.09 2.77 165 1525 1.86
S2: Weighted relative frequency of occurrence records
1 89.51 19.67 80.35 6.00 116 810 3.67
5 94.10 15.38 84.33 4.60 131 1142 2.54
10 95.98 15.16 84.38 4.28 127 1320 2.18
20 97.40 15.00 84.08 3.83 128 1525 1.86
S3: Minimum spatial distance to records’ tile centers
1 89.51 2.48 68.07 0.94 330 810 3.67
5 94.10 3.25 66.14 1.05 364 1142 2.54
10 95.98 1.90 65.72 0.84 378 1320 2.18
20 97.40 2.82 67.13 1.04 359 1525 1.86
S4: Average spatial distance to records’ tile centers
1 89.51 3.70 63.18 1.81 374 810 3.67
5 94.10 1.09 52.77 0.66 478 1142 2.54
10 95.98 0.76 45.51 0.43 529 1320 2.18
20 97.40 1.05 36.70 0.42 624 1525 1.86
S5: Temporal distance to months with recorded occurrences
0 36.35 23.15 36.35 7.37 13 73 261.10
1 43.39 19.86 43.39 5.76 25 141 218.97
5 59.71 12.52 58.82 3.60 77 337 91.78
10 73.15 11.06 69.95 3.04 108 503 16.67
20 85.50 7.22 77.87 1.98 167 751 5.37
S2+S5: Combined weighted relative frequency and temporal distance
0 86.62 23.98 75.78 8.85 133 692 4.41
1 89.51 22.09 79.65 7.51 119 810 3.67
5 94.10 17.92 84.49 5.69 118 1142 2.54
10 95.98 18.14 85.25 5.12 112 1320 2.18
20 97.40 17.14 85.52 4.61 115 1525 1.86