A, Functional coupling of rIFGpo (circled in gray) for the RR group (bodyscan > rest contrast). The results demonstrated coupling of rIFG regions with ACC, SMAs, and aINS during RR bodyscan. B, Differences between the functional coupling of rIFG seed to whole brain between the RR and the MBSR groups (bodyscan > rest; Table 3A). A between-group analysis of the [bodyscan > rest] contrasts yielded a significant cluster in supplementary and presupplementary motor areas for the RR group in both hemispheres with the peak coordinates (−04, +04, + 0; 194 voxels, cluster p-FWE = .000067). rIFGpo = inferior frontal gyrus pars opercularis; RR = relaxation response; rIFG = right inferior frontal gyrus; MBSR = mindfulness-based stress reduction.