Figure 2.
(A) Sagittal midline section of the human brain showing the location of cortical areas 10 m, 25 and 32. (B) Relative density of labeled axonal terminals in the dorsomedial (dm), dorsolateral (dl), lateral (l), and ventrolateral (vl) parts of the PAG, following injection of anterograde tracer into areas 10 m, 25 and 32 in the medial prefrontal cortex of the macaque. Modified from An et al. (1998), with permission; (C) Example of distribution of labeled terminals in the PAG and surrounding areas following injection of anterograde tracer into areas 10 m in one experiment. The location of the area on the right is indicated by the rectangle over a standard section of the midbrain on the left. Modified from An et al. (1998). (D) Relative volumes of area 10 m in different primate species, expressed both as an absolute measure (in ml) or relative measure (% of brain volume). Modified from Semendeferi et al. (2001), with permission.