miRNA concentration changes from small-RNA sequencing across different type 1 diabetes (T1D) patient cohorts. Microalbuminuria (MA) plot of log2FC (fold change) of counts per million (CPM) versus raw read count for (a) normal versus overt, (b) persistent (no MA vs. MA), (c) intermittent (no MA vs. MA), and (d) intermittent MA (IMA) versus persistent MA (PMA) T1D patient cohorts. Light blue dots represent individual miRNAs from urine that do not have statistically significant (P ≤ 0.05) log2FC values, whereas dark blue dots indicate miRNAs from urine showing statistically significant log2FC values ≥ 0.6. Light red dots represent individual miRNAs from EVs that do not have statistically significant log2FC values, whereas dark red dots indicate miRNAs from EVs showing statistically significant log2FC values ≥ 0.6. EV, extracellular vesicle.