The immune-protective effect observed in M3 low-dose-immunized macaques challenged with the 17+ strain. (A) Vesicles in the oral mucosa of control macaques (#16173, #16153, and #16379, exhibited on day 5, 8, and 7, post-infection, respectively) are indicated by arrows. (B) All the M3 low-dose-immunized macaques were asymptomatic (#16149 was selected as a representative). (C) Detection of virus shedding in feces and urine samples and in oral, nasal, and ocular swabs collected for 21 days after the infection. Blood samples were collected every two days for 21 days after the infection. (D) Detection of the viral loads in various organs from macaques belonging to the PBS control and M3 low-dose groups collected on days 7, 14, and 21, post-infection.