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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2018 May 31.
Published in final edited form as: Lancet Oncol. 2014 Oct 26;15(12):e568–e580. doi: 10.1016/S1470-2045(14)70266-9


Effects of current smoking on mortality, recurrence, cancer treatment toxicity, and second primary cancer in patients treated with chemotherapy or radiotherapy

Patients Treatments Study period Outcome
Lung cancer

Florescu et al (2008)38 731 (NSCLC stage IIIB–IV, previous therapy unsuccessful) Chemotherapy, erlotinib (BR21 trial) NA Mortality (vs never smoked)
Former: HR 1·22, p<0·001
Current: HR 1·89, p<0·001
Herbst et al (2005)39 1079 (NSCLC stage IIIB–IV) Chemotherapy, erlotinib (TRIBUTE trial) 2001–02 Median survival
Chemotherapy + erlotinib:
Current: 8·4 months
Former: 10·0 months
Never: 22·5 months p=0·01
Current: 9·1 months
Former: 10·9 months
Never: 10·1 months
Holgersson et al (2012)*40 1146 (NSCLC) Radiotherapy 1990–2000 Mortality (vs never smoking)
Former: HR 1·10 (95% CI 0·82–1·45)
Current: HR 1·06 (95% CI 0·80–1·41)
Kawaguchi et al (2012)41 2966 (NSCLC stage IIIB–IV, ≥70 years of age) Chemotherapy NA Mortality (vs never smoking)
70–74 years: HR 0·91 (95% CI 0·80–1·04)
75–79 years: HR 1·06 (95% CI 0·92–1·22)
80+ years: HR 1·08 (95% CI 0·90–1·29)
70–74 years: HR 0·78 (95% CI 0·66–0·93)
75–79 years: HR 0·80 (95% CI 0·66–0·97)
≥80 years: HR 0·99 (95% CI 0·80–1·21)
Lee et al (2012)42 670 (NSCLC stage IIIB–IV) Erlotinib (TOPICAL trial) NA Cancer-specific mortality (vs never smoking)
Former: HR 1·02 (95% CI 0·79–1·32)
Current: HR 1·61 (95% CI 0·91–2·86)
Li et al (2011)43 1214 (NSCLC stage IIIB–IV) Chemotherapy NA Mortality (vs never smoking)
Former: HR 1·10 (95% CI 0·79–1·54)
Current: HR 1·05 (95% CI 0·63–1·75)
Pirker et al (2012)44 1125 (NSCLC stage IIIB–IV) Chemotherapy, cetuximab (phase III FLEX study) NA Mortality (vs current smoking): HR 1.0 (referent)
Former: HR 0·86 (95% CI 0·73–1·02)
Never: HR 0·72 (95% CI 0·58–0·88)
Richardson et al (1993)45 540 (SCLC) National Cancer Institute intramural trials 1973–89 Second primary cancer (vs general population)
Current smoking after diagnosis: RR 32 (95% CI 12–69)
Quit smoking after diagnosis: RR 11 (95% CI 4·4–23)
Tsao et al (2006)*46 1379 (NSCLC stage III–IV) Chemotherapy NA Mortality (vs never smoking)
Former: OR 1·47, p=0·003
Current: OR 1·55, p=0·0004
Tucker et al (1997)47 611 (SCLC survivors) Chemotherapy, radiotherapy 2 years Second primary cancer (vs general population)
Current smoking after diagnosis: RR 17 (95% CI 11–26)
Quit smoking at diagnosis: RR 9·9 (95% CI 5·3–17)
Quit smoking before diagnosis: RR 9·4 (95% CI 4·7–17)

Head and neck cancer

Fortin et al (2009)*48 1871 Radiotherapy, chemotherapy, systemic therapy 1989–2006 Mortality (vs never smoking)
Former: HR 1·23 (p value unavailable)
Current: HR 1·35, p=0·0005
Gillison et al (2012)49 502 (stage III–IV) Radiotherapy, chemotherapy, (RTOG9003 and RTOG0129) NA Mortality (vs all other patients)
Overall: HR 2·34 (95% CI 1·56–3·50)
Cancer-specific mortality
Radiotherapy treated patients: HR 2·19 (95% CI 1·48–3·25)
Chemotherapy treated patients: HR 2·73 (95% CI 1·37–5·45)
Khuri et al (2006)50 1190 (stage I–II) Radiotherapy, systemic therapy (no chemotherapy), isoretinoin (phase III trial) NA Mortality
Current vs former: RR 1·60 (95% CI 1·23–2·07)
Current vs never: RR 2·51 (95% CI 1·54–4·10)
Current vs former: RR 1·12 (95% CI 0·76–1·65)
Current vs never: RR 1·37 (95% CI 0·76–2·46)
Meyer et al (2008)51 540 Radiotherapy, β-carotene 1994–2000 Mortality (vs all other patients)
Current: HR 2·26 (95% CI 1·29–3·97)

Prostate cancer

Alsadius et al (2011)52 836 Radiotherapy 1993–2006 Rectal toxicity (vs never smoking):
Abdominal cramps: RR 9·0, p=0·004
Urgency: RR 2·65, p<0·001
Diarrhoea: RR 2·67, p=0·017
Incomplete emptying: RR2·57, p=0·003
Sudden emptying: RR 4·6, p=0·003
Bittner et al (2008)53 1354 Radiotherapy, ADT 1993–2004 Mortality (current vs never smoking)
Prostate cancer mortality: NS
Non-prostate cancer mortality
Heart disease: RR 3·05, p=0·007
Non-prostate: RR 5·52, p=0·002
Other: RR 4·09, p=0·002
Boorjian et al (2007)54 9780 Systemic therapy, radiotherapy, ADT (CaPSURE study) NA Bladder cancer (vs all other patients)
No radiotherapy (all): HR 1·0 (referent)
Yes radiotherapy (all): HR 1·59 (95% CI 0·97–2·6)
Current (all): HR 2·08 (95% CI 1·09–3·97)
Current + radiotherapy: HR 3·65 (95% CI 1·45–9·16)
Merrick et al (2006)55 938 (stage T1b–T3a) Radiotherapy, ADT 1995–2002 Mortality (vs never smoked)
Former: RR 2·15, p=0·007
Current: RR 4·27, p<0·001
Cancer-specific mortality (vs never smoked)
Former: p=0·19
Current: p=0·48
Recurrence (vs never smoked)
Former: RR 0·95, p=0·43
Current: RR 2·10, p=0·04
Pickles et al (2004)56 601 Radiotherapy 1994–97 Mortality, 6-year (vs all other patients)
Current: RR 2·38, p=0·009
Cancer-specific mortality (vs all other patients
Current: RR 2·89, p=0·08
Recurrence (vs all other patients)
Current: OR 1·68 (95% CI 1·11–2·56)
Taira et al (2011)57 1656 Radiotherapy, ADT NA Mortality (vs never smoking)
Former: HR 1·43, p=0·017
Current: HR 2·86, p<0·001

Breast cancer

Gold et al (2006)58 2198 (stage I–IIIA) Tamoxifen (WHEAL study) 1995–2000 Vasomotor toxicity (vs never smoking)
Former: OR 1·40 (95% CI 1·10–1·78)
Current: OR 2·12 (95% CI 1·19–3·78)
Li et al (2009)59 1091 (ER positive) Systemic therapy, radiotherapy, chemotherapy 1990–2007 Lung cancer (vs never smoking)
Former smoker at diagnosis: OR 1·2 (95% CI 0·8–1·7)
Current smoker at diagnosis: OR 1·8 (95% CI 1·1–3·2)
Former smoker at most recent follow-up: OR 1·2 (95% CI 0·8–1·7)
Current smoker at most recent follow-up: OR 2·2 (95% CI 1·2–4·0)
Obedian et al (2000)*60 1029 (early stage) Systemic therapy, radiotherapy, 1970–90 Lung cancer (vs never smoking)
Former: RR 7·01
Current: RR 8·96, p=0·06

Other cancers

Eifel et al (2002)*61 3489 (stage I–II cervical cancer) Radiotherapy 1960–94 Pelvic complications (vs never smoking)
Former: HR 1·40 (95% CI 0·81–2·41)
<1 PPD: HR 1·25 (95% CI 0·88–1·79)
>1 PPD: HR 2·43 (95% CI 1·95–3·04)
Gilbert et al (2003)*62 592 (Hodgkin’s disease) Radiotherapy 1965–94 Lung cancer (vs never smoking)
Former: RR 6·8 (95% CI 2·8–19·5)
Current: RR 24·0 (95% CI 10·3–68)
McCleary et al (2010)63 1045 (stage III colon cancer) Systemic therapy, chemotherapy (CALGB 89803 trial) ·· Mortality (vs never smoking)
Former: HR 1·17 (95% CI 0·87–1·57)
Current: HR 1·38 (95% CI 0·87–2·18)
Former: HR 1·15 (95% CI 0·89–1·48)
Current: HR 0·90 (95% CI 0·58–1·41)
Park et al (2007)64 14 181 (male head and neck, lung, esophageal, laryngeal, oral, kidney, bladder, pancreas, liver, gallbladder, and prostate cancer) Systemic therapy, radiotherapy, chemotherapy (NHIC study) 1996–2002 Second primary cancer (vs never smoking)
All cancers:
Former: RR 0·87 (95% CI 0·56–1·35)
Current: RR 1·13 (95% CI 0·77–1·67)
Smoking related:
Former: RR 1·03 (95% CI 0·46–2·31)
Current: RR 2·02 (95% CI 1·02–4·03)

95% CI given when available.


Patients treated with surgery, chemotherapy, or radiotherapy included.

NA=not available. ADT=androgen deprivation therapy. RR=relative risk. CaPSURE=Cancer of the Prostate Strategic Urologic Research Endeavor. NHIC=national health insurance corporation. NSCLC=non-small cell lung cancer. HR=hazard ratio. RTOG=Radiation Therapy Oncology Group. NS=not statistically significant. PPD=pack per day. SCLC=small-cell lung cancer. WHEAL=Women’s Healthy Eating and Living Study. ER=oestrogen receptor.


Studies in which tobacco information was captured through a non-standardised assessment or through patients’ chart reviews.