Stat5 phosphorylation in livers of loxP and KO mice (n = 10).
mRNA levels of Igf1, Fos, growth hormone receptor (Ghr), and Socs3 in liver of loxP and KO mice (n = 5).
Fgf21 gene expression in muscle of loxP and KO mice (n = 8).
FGF21 levels in plasma of loxP (n = 8) and KO mice (n = 10).
Opa1 mRNA levels in muscle (E), and Fgf21 gene expression in muscle (F) and liver (G) of loxP, Opa1 KO, FGF21 KO, and double KO (Opa1 + FGF21 KO, DKO) (n = 8).
Hepatic expression of genes encoding Pgc1α, respiratory complex IV subunit Cox7a1, fatty acid oxidation components (Cpta1, Mcad, and Vlcad), and gluconeogenic enzymes (Pepck and G6p) in loxP, Opa1 KO, DKO, and Fgf21 KO mice (n = 7).
I, J
Relative weight of gastrocnemius and quadriceps muscles, (I) and organs (J) of loxP, Opa1 KO, DKO, and Fgf21 KO mice (n = 10). These data are expressed as g of tissue/g of body weight (BW).
Igf1, Fos, and Ghr mRNA levels in the livers of loxP, Opa1 KO, DKO, and Fgf21 KO mice (n = 10).
Data information: Data represent mean ± SEM. *
< 0.05 vs. control loxP mice.
< 0.05 vs. DKO mice. Data were analyzed using Student's
test (E–K).