Figure 2.
Enhancement of the DG Sink during Rearing
(A) Histological image shows the linear silicone probe track through all layers of the hippocampus. Oriens, stratum oriens; pyr, pyramidal layer; rad, radiatum; lac-mol, lacunosum-moleculare; mol, molecular layer; gran, granule cell layer; poly, polymorphic layer.
(B) Perievent binned (bin size = 1 s) average power in the low and high theta bands in the main layers of the hippocampal formation. Brown traces indicate the shuffled control (n = 4 animals; shaded area represents the 99% band of the shuffled control). Note the high theta power elevations in the lacunosum-moleculare and in the hilus of the DG.
(C) CSD maps from an animal of averaged LFP profile during running (left) and rearing (right). White traces at the top indicate theta oscillation in the pyramidal layer.
(D) Comparison of current sink magnitude during running and rearing (∗p < 0.05, ANOVA with post hoc Dunnett’s test; n = 4 animals; values are mean ± SEM). Note the prominent increase of dentate gyrus sink during rearing compared to running. Pr, pyramidal layer; Rd, radiatum; LM, lacunosum-moleculare; DG, dentate gyrus; Hl, hilus.
See also Figure S2.