A. Average tumor volume measurement of PANC-1 tumor xenograft. Group 1: no treatment (blue line), Group 2: vehicle treated (red line), Group 3: 5 μg of 131 (DVR triple knockdown in miR17-92 backbone, green line), Group 4: 25 μg of 131 (DVR triple knockdown in miR17-92 backbone, light blue line), Group 5: 5 μg of 132 (CDV triple knockdown in miR17-92 backbone, purple line), Group 6: 25 μg of 132 (CDV triple knockdown in miR17-92 backbone, dark red line). B. Bar graph show average copy number of plasmids per 100 ng of genomic DNA found in tumor samples. The same treatment grouping as for panel A, samples A, B, or C represents three different tumors from three different animals of the same treatment group.