The crystal structure of GLUT, a human glucose transporter as a homolog of vGluT: (a) Topological structure of GLUT. The N-terminal domain is in warm colors (red to yellow), while the C-terminal domain is in cool colors (green to blue). TM1 is in red, TM2–3 are in pink, TM4 is in yellow, TM5–6 are in lemon, TM7 is in green, TM8–9 are in light green, TM10 is in blue, and TM11–12 are in light blue; (b) A worm and tube diagram of GLUT3 with substrate glucose (spheres) bound, outward-occluded conformation. The substrate leucine as spheres, and sodium ions as yellow spheres. PDBID:2A65; (c) A Surface representation of (b) from the extracellular side of the molecule. The N-terminal domain is in pink, and the C-terminal domain is in light blue; (d) LeuT in an inward-open form, colored as in (a). The bound ligand is 1-S-octyl-b-D-thioglucoside (spheres), a detergent with a sugar group used in the sample preparation. PDBID: 3TT3; (e) Surface representation of (d) from intracellular side of the molecule. Intracellular helices in gray are unique for glucose transporters, and are missing in vesicular neurotransmitter transporters.