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. 2017 May 31;53(3):1702–1726. doi: 10.1111/1475-6773.12716

Table 1.

Study Population Characteristics during Final Measurement Period (January–June 2015)

Characteristic (%) Received SBI Screening, N = 4,005 Did Not Receive SBI Screening, N = 82,808 p‐Value[Link]
Age (mean) 34.8 35.5 .002
Female 69.6 70.3 .359
Pregnant 14.1 11.0 <.001
White 72.9 70.0 <.001
Black 3.7 4.5 .013
Hispanic 10.5 11.1 .214
Other race or ethnicity 5.3 6.6 .001
Unknown race or ethnicity 7.7 7.7 .958
Rural 39.4 42.4 <.001
History of alcohol or drug Dx 15.9 10.3 <.001
Health comorbidities 83.7 83.1 .326
PCPs per capitaa 0.1 0.1 .478
Specialists per capitaa 0.1 0.1 .048
Institutionalizeda 1.0 1.0 .014
Below high school educationa 4.6 4.5 <.001
Linguistically isolated householda 13.9 13.8 .221
Income below poverty levela 14.9 14.6 <.001
Median household incomea 48,971 49,564 <.001

Note: Tests of statistical significance were performed using Welch two‐sample t‐tests (for continuous variables) and two‐sample tests for equality of proportions with continuity correction (for indicator variables).


Denotes area‐level indicator.