Schematic organisation of different types of tracheal modules. (A) Cephalo‐prothoracic, (B) thoracic and (C) abdominal module. Dotted lines in the case of hind wing present trachea which undergo loss in pupa–imago transition. avmt, anterior ventral mandibular muscle trachea; bc, brain commissure; cwlt, common leg‐wing trachea; clt1, common mesoleg trachea; clt2, common metaleg trachea; dat, dorso anterior trachea; dbt, dorsal brain trachea; dc, dorsal commissure; dlta, anterior part of dorsal longitudinal trunk; dltp, posterior part of dorsal longitudinal trunk; dmmt, dorsal mandibular muscle trachea; dpt, dorso posterior trachea; dvt, dorsal visceral trachea; dwt1–6, distal wing trachea 1–6; fct, fronto‐clypeal trachea; lat, labial trachea; mat, maxillary trachea; mlt1, main anterior mesoleg trachea; mlt2, main anterior metaleg trachea; mnt, mandibular trachea; mvmt, median ventral mandibular muscle trachea; mwt1, main fore wing trachea; mwt2, main hind wing trachea; oat, optico, antennal trachea; pvmt, posterior ventral mandibular muscle trachea; rlt, rudimentary leg trachea; rwt, rudimentary wing trachea; stg, suboesophageal ganglion trachea; tv, tracheal vestibule; vbt, ventral brain trachea; vc, ventral commissure; vlta, anterior part of ventral longitudinal trunc; vhc, ventral head commissure; vltp, posterior part of ventral longitudinal trunc; vvt, ventral visceral trachea.