Figure 7.
In TAMs RelA induces B7x directly by binding to B7x promoter while represses IL-10 indirectly via repressing Bcl3 transcription and Bcl3/p50-mediated IL-10 transcription. (A) Putative NF-κB-binding motifs within the b7x and il-10 promoters. (B and C) ChIP of the indicated proteins bound to the b7x (B) and il-10 (C) promoters in WT or RelAKO macrophages cultured in LCCM. ND, not detected. Primers used for Pol II pull-down in (B) were different, as the NF-κB-binding site within the b7x promoter was far upstream from the transcription site, see (A). (D and F) qPCR showing Bcl3 (D) and p50 (F) mRNA levels in pulmonary macrophages from WT or RelAΔMye mice treated with urethane. (E) Immunoblotting of Bcl3 and Hsp90 in WT and RelAKO macrophages cultured in LCCM. In (B-D) and (F), data are means ± SD (n ≥3). *, p < 0.05, **, p < 0.01, Student's t test.