(A) Representative western blots showing GluN2D and GluN2B immunoreactivity and tubulin (Tub) loading controls from tissue obtained from micropunches from STN, SNc, and striatum (striatum- Str, C= Control and M= MPTP treated sample). Negative controls shown for anti-GluN2D antibody using GluN2D knock out (2D−/−690) mouse brain tissue sample compared with wild type (Wt). (B and C). Quantification of data from n= 4 animals evaluated in independent experiments, samples repeated one to two times per animal. Shown are the GluN2D expression for each animal as means of replicates, GluN2B expression for each sample tested once, with the intensity normalized to tubulin as loading control. * p < 0.05, ** p < 0.005 as compared to age-matched controls; two-tailed t-test.