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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2019 May 1.
Published in final edited form as: Br J Haematol. 2018 Apr 20;181(4):505–514. doi: 10.1111/bjh.15229

Table I.

Demographic and lifestyle characteristics of the CPRD study sample.

Cases (N=156) Controls (N=608) OR (95%CI) P
Sexa 0.86
 Male 112 (71.8) 432 (71.0)
 Female 44 (28.2) 176 (29.0)

Age at index/selection date, yearsa 0.92
 Mean (SD) 48.4 (23.3) 48.2 (23.2)
 Range 2.0–87.0 2.0–87.0

Age group at index date, yearsa 0.99
 <20 27 (17.3) 108 (17.8)
 20–59 69 (44.2) 268 (44.1)
 60+ 60 (38.5) 232 (38.2)

Year at index datea 0.99
 1992–1999 14 (9.0) 52 (8.5)
 2000–2005 29 (18.6) 112 (18.4)
 2006–2010 58 (37.2) 228 (37.5)
 2011–2016 55 (35.3) 216 (35.5)

Years since registered in the CPRDb 0.005
 mean (SD) 17.4 (15.3) 20.9 (13.9)

Region of residencec 0.99
 West Midlands 20 (12.8) 80 (13.2)
 South Central 21 (13.5) 76 (12.5)
 Scotland 20 (12.8) 80 (13.2)
 Others 95 (60.9) 372 (61.1)

BMI (Tertiles)
  T1 (=<25.08) 33 (21.2) 97 (16.0) Ref.
  T2 (25.08 to <28.82) 26 (16.7) 102 (16.8) 0.73 (0.40 – 1.34) 0.31
  T3 (>28.82) 29 (18.6) 98 (16.1) 0.91 (0.51 – 1.61) 0.74
  (Missing: 379) 68 (43.6) 311 (51.1) N/A
  Ptrend 0.99

Smoking status before diagnosis
  Never 50 (32.0) 106 (17.4) Ref.
  Former 64 (41.0) 246 (40.5) 0.47 (0.29 – 0.76) 0.002
  Current 15 (9.6) 121 (19.9) 0.24 (0.12 – 0.46) <0.0001
  (Missing: 162)d 27 (17.3) 135 (22.2) N/A
  Ptrend <0.0001

Alcohol status before diagnosis
  Former/current 15 (9.6) 38 (6.2) Ref.
  Never 3 (1.9) 27 (6.6) 1.43 (0.75 – 2.73) 0.274
  (Missing: 238) 40 (25.7) 198 (32.6) N/A

Controls were matched to cases based on age at cohort entry (defined as two years before index/selection date), gender, race, general practice, and index date.


Due to matching, odds ratios, and 95% confidence intervals not assessed.


Duration of registration in CPRD before the index date. Characteristics were evaluated at least two years before the index date.


About 40% of participants were from three regions (contributing most cases), including West Midlands, South Central, & Scotland.


Majority of the patients missing smoking data were aged <20 years old.

Abbreviations: 95% CI: 95% Confidence Interval: BMI: body mass index; CPRD: Clinical Practice Research Datalink; N/A: not applicable: due to missing data, odds ratios and 95% confidence intervals not assessed; OR: Odds ratio; P: P value for heterogeneity; Ptrend: P value for trend across categories; Ref.: Reference category; SD: standard deviation; T1, T2, T3: First, second and third tertile, based on cut off values calculated in the controls