Plots of median uncertainty in tensor eigenvalues (left column) and invariants (center column) as functions of CoVDTI (top row), MD (middle row), and FA (bottom row), with Navg = 5 and pooled across all subjects and cardiac phases. Histograms of CoVDTI, MD, and FA are also shown (right column) for midsystole and diastole. Median values were calculated from uncertainty distributions across all voxels and subjects with a particular CoVDTI, MD, or FA. Uncertainty in all parameters increased with increasing CoVDTI, indicating a strong sensitivity to bulk-motion– induced signal variations. This likely explains the increased uncertainty observed in diastolic cDTI, which had significantly higher CoVDTI. Uncertainty in all parameters decreased with increasing MD up to approximately 1.5 × 10−3 mm2/s and then increased (aside from FA, which leveled off). With increasing FA, uncertainty in all 3 tensor eigenvectors, MD, and Mode generally decreased, whereas FA uncertainty increased. CoV, coefficient of variation; cDTI, cardiac DTI.